COGMED Working Memory Training

Working memory is the capacity to hold information in the mind and manipulate that information for a brief period. It’s the place where we store, manipulate information, perform mental calculations or form new thoughts.

Working memory is the primary indicator of academic performance. Nowhere is working memory more important than in the classroom.

Without working memory, learning could not take place. Working memory is known as ‘the engine of learning.’

Without appropriate intervention, learners with working memory difficulties will not catch up over time.

Teachers are thrilled with the students’ ability to stay on task and achieve

Working memory difficulties can negatively impact learning in students with additional learning needs such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia or developmental Coordination Difficulties, dysgraphia, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Conditions.

Working memory measures our ability to learn, rather than what we have already learned.

Cogmed Working Memory Training is an evidence-based programme for helping children from 4 years of age, teenagers, and adults sustainably improve attention by training their working memory capacity.

Cogmed is based on strong scientific research, delivered under the supervision of a Qualified Cogmed Coach and progress is fully monitored. Dyslexia Pembrokeshire has trained coaches that can provide free initial consultation, demonstration versions, set up and your unique password ID so you can start your Cogmed Working Memory Training programme.